Sunday, December 5, 2010


So baby E has his first official illness and we were in the ER for about five hours on Saturday evening. Booo. It wasn't a total surprise since Benjamin had his cold just a few days prior. The odd thing about the hospital visit was that they suspected a urinary tract infection. Weird, huh? Poor kid had to get a catheter and he was NOT impressed with that all. Not at all. Still haven't heard the results from that, but I'm highly doubtful. So we were sent home with an inhaler, which is great since it might save us a trip next time!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

So exciting!

Wow, what an exciting week around the Gilliland house. (Warren's excitement is that he got a new tv today.) Ethan has been regularly turning over and he has recently discovered his feet. What a fun time for him! I think that this marks the end of his bouncy chair (at least unsupervised time anyway) and the end of his bassinet. (which, btw, was the most absurd 150 bucks ever spent) I think it's time for some better carpeting and padding... I knew I kept that carpet padding for a reason!

Friday, October 15, 2010


I could seriously turn in to a diabetic. Ethan is soooooooooooo sweet, cuddly, and just is just the happiest baby ever. EVER. He laughs all the time. He does demand to be held and/or talked to most of his waking hours though. He does not like tummy-time, which is odd for me since Benjamin could roll over both ways at 3 months flat. They look so much alike, yet they are completely different children. Thank goodness. haha..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

baby talk

If Ethan could talk, this is what I imagine he would say:

"Mommy, please keep the planes from waking me up."
"Mommy, please keep Benjamin from waking me up."

Poor kid.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Friday, July 23, 2010


So should I start working on #3? If I could only have a baby without being pregnant...Ethan is the easiest baby EVER. He's awesome. He eats, he poops, he sleeps. Repeat cycle. I can't even get that many pictures of him because he's always asleep or eating.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Happy Birthday, Ethan Patrick!

Ethan was born at 9:08 on June 16th weighing in at 5lbs 11oz and 19 inches long. He was about a month premature, so he had to stay in the NICU for 8 days. Every one of these 8 days felt like months, but he's home now and healthy and happy as could be.